Monday, January 31

And now I'm at home.....right my apartment....That was my day....

Here is Kyle, He stopped at the Lan Party to try to fix some network problems. Then he went home...I think?

I was at a Lan Party all day today....It was fun, we only played one game, COD United Offense, but it was still cool. There is Matt from work, in the black shirt. I really blew at these games... :( oh well....

Sunday, January 30

Is she not hot......thought I'd throw that out there....hope u like the picture.

Napoleon Dynamite Night!

This was the Napoleon Dynamite Night. It was awsome, I'm not apart of this small group, but everyone there made me feel welcome. Posted by Hello

This is some girls from the small group was fun....I will post some more. Posted by Hello


This is a cool wallpaper...see how random that was. Posted by Hello

This Is Me. Posted by Hello

Welcome to a new world...?

This is my first Post......You better like it! Ok, I was gunna have this site be called "Hot girls I saw today." but that is to narrow. So I made this site to where I can show u guys my every day will be great. So. today I messed with my camera and stuff, and I'll put some pictures of napoean dynomite day, so stay tuned....