Not much to say...just felt like bloggin...uh...I am trying to get my car and brad are going down to quincy, il. to try out for big brother 6 (interview) if i don't make it i'm gunna subcribe to the live feeds. Why? u might ask.... I don't me...but if we do make will be awsome..for me...uh....i've been talking to alot of ppl about the woman in florida about the her being brain damaged and who should have the authority and what they should do w/ that authority. heard jeb is filing for custody of her? didn't look it up to see if its true yet...uh i think they should do what is best for her. in her case. i don't know enough to say if a woman i don't know should live or die. I don't even know if i would put an "unplug me, or plug me in" clause in my will..... i mean i would. but i don't know what that clause would say...been thinking about it and i'm leaning toward "Do all you can for the duration of a year, and if i show no signs of improvement. and by improvment i mean, when i can speak to the person infront of me and say; "I want to live". but if i show no signs of improvment. by no signs i mean; In a coma, brain damaged, not able to sustain vital signs w/out being a robot(hooked up to machines). then give me rest. let me be with my savior.
That would be it. but i hope that never happens to me. and anyone around me. I don't know how any of u feel about this but hey, leave a post. wow....i said something serious at this site...a first! hey, and it was random!