Thursday, May 19

Do this, it's a time killer.

Put this on your's an e-mail..but it will give you something to do for a little bit! do it! I am.
>1. What time is it? 12:48
>2. Name: William C. Boehm Jr.
>3. Any nickname: BJ
>4. Parents Names: william and kathleen
>5. Number of candles on next birthday? 24
>6. Date that you regularly blow them out? 29th of september
>7. Pets? 1 dogs in the near future hopfully if all goes well.
>8. What is your favorite drink(s)? lemonade and mountain dew baja?
>9. Tattoos? none
>10. Body piercing? none/ but i do have a freckle on my ear and it looks like it's pierced
>11. Birthplace? lewisville, texas
>12. Favorite vacation spot you would like to go? cabo? i just like that name.
>13. Ever been to Africa? Nope
>15. Ever been in a car accident? Nope

>16. Croutons or Bacon bits? Both! i'm Crazy!

>17. 2 Door or 4 Door car? Both! jk 2 door
>18. Salad dressing ? none thank you, eating salad is eating leaf's i don't eat leaves off a tree, why would i eat a leaf that grows in the ground?
>19. Favorite Pie?'s basicly a pie. why they call it cake, i have no idea!
>20. Favorite Number? 7 cuase it loos cool. and you can turn it upside down and it's a wierd L
>21. Favorite Color? Blue or Black, I'm torn.
>22. Favorite Food? The eatin kind...i don't have one.
>23. Favorite day of the week? don't have one, they all consist of 24 hours, u tell me the diff.? i don't see one?
>24. Favorite brand of body soap? the kind that smells good...again that's ever changing like a sports car, whichever one does the best.
>25. Favorite TV show? Lost or Doctor who at the momment, Buffy is all time fav.
>26. Toothpaste? Right now it's a generic on called Ultra Brite! works so could careless they all have the same amount of flouride in them, they all do the exact same thing w/ diff. flavors....having favorite...what a silly concept.
>27. Most recently read book? I can't's sad butler is typing this as we speak. (the time machine)
>28. Favorite perfume/cologne? PrSpaRaSHOn (by Em Backwards)
>29. Favorite Smell(s)? Fabric Softener Sheets? They are strong and nice...i can't smell most things....
>30. What do you do to relax? Space Out, i'm good at it.
>31. Favorite Fast Food? Taco Bell
>32. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Breathing for one....umm well....happy..i see myself happy. Anything could happen. WW3 could start i will still remain happy. everyone around me could just evaporate, i don't want that; but i won't let anything stop me from being happy with my life. goal should be set, but how bout you just let the world spin, fate play out, ambition can turn into greed and envy. this is way to deep. i see myself flippin burgers...yuck fast way.
>33. What do you do when you are bored? look up stuff on the net.
>34. What gifts do you enjoy from your friends? Gadgets i've never had, doesn't matter the cost..could be a 2 dollar stick that does something neat, like uh....stands up on it's own? something that you can look at and go. "that neat"
>35. Furthest place you will send this message? Heaven....JK...uh...i'm blogging it will be everwhere!
>36. Who will respond the fastest: Nobody cares about my blogs..i'm boring...frown...
>37. Who is the least likely to respond? Santa...he never does anything for me! jerk.
>38. What time is it now? 1:05am


Anonymous said...

what is the point of this blog? it is a waste of time and doesnt tell me anyfink interesting or anyfink i wanna know!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i agree waf da ova person dere IS NO POINT and is a complete watse of time i could be having a drink,swimming,watchimg t.v,playing wif my friends,eating,watching a movie,OR DOING SUMFINK ELSE

BJ Boehm said...

u can't drink, don't know how to swim, your blind you can't watch tv, u have no friends, u eat from a tube in your neck, you don't have anything to watch that "movie" on, and you have nothing else to just enjoy the's all you got in this life!!!!!!