Saturday, May 28

Hide and Seek

Hide and Seak - Imogen Heap, best song I have heard in along time, first song i've put on repeat for a record of an hour....maybe long, didn't's that seeps in your make up a story for what it means...then i look some meaning up of what ppl think it means.....they all saw different stories from's that affective of a good's agless....i predict it will be a song played on movies and tv like crazy..just for matter the scene.....u litterlly fall inlove w/ the song's sound words tune....everything.....i am telling u, i'm not overhypin the song just so u listen to it...get it and don't just "listen to it." sit down...make sure everything in the room is still and quiet, alone if u can't keep queit, but i recomend sharing it w/'s an this song is good...i'm telling u!!!!!!! ok....i just took my meds...i'll be ok....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

completely random, i dont even know how i ended up on your site, but Hide and Seek IS an excellent song.