Thursday, January 18

I'm Back!

I am maybe hopefully coming back to blogging on this site, Pictures, and from time to time, Video, and maybe text...but mainly pictures...I am maybe thinking of blogging political stuff on here, like a picture of a political figure and what i think about that person, or maybe a picture of a art piece that is political and how it make me feel and how i feel about the subject of the art that is in the picture....i don't know....but hopefully I can start using this blog again...i'll probly get most of the art from deviant art and i'll give the artist name so i don't take credit for it.....

So here is my first Picture........

Political Bondage - By Philip Straub

Political Bondage by ~Philipstraub on deviantART

This is an very powerful image, some of you might not like it, but it says alot to me, the artist painted it about censorship in America, i see it as even more, how i see America wrap itself around the people that live inside of America, and can't see who they are, but only what america wants them to be, if you go up to most people and say who are you in the grand scheme of things, in the world. they most likely will say, "I'm an American" nothing is wrong with that but when you say that then whatever the quota for being an American is at that time you then without knowing it become the idea of an American and lose your own person. you fit a mold that the media, your close influences set, and maybe even what your church tell you an American should be. when only you can decide that. if you have a voice of dissent against something, of even if you don't. remember, That flag doesn't decide who you do...Let God mold you...and seek answers within yourself...and I'm not being new agey either..because who lives within you if your a Christian? "The Holy Spirit" so if you ask yourself a question, the holy spirit will be there to guide you.....not a flag or patriotism or what someone or something dictates what the answer should be....but you and God. So you if ask me the phrase "Politically Correct" should be abolished, because if you strive to be "Politically Correct" you've be nurtured by society. some would say being politically correct is a good thing because then you won't be racist, you won't be this, you won't be that...I say but do your personal politic determine that, don't let politics be your moral compass, look what happen with the president we have now, I voted for him 1st time around and He lead us into a war with no end. Killing more innocent then guilty...and the guilty were only deemed guilty by him and his administration. all becuase we voted him in becuase he was a "Godly man" but now we learn he laughs at the "Faith bases Initiatives" that put him into office. We were blinded by what we thought was "right" but we were wrong, patriotism is alot of things but it shouldn't decide who you should do that.

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