Sunday, December 30

My Dad got this new table thingy, oh and a new couch. It comes up and down for easy eating...kina neat huh?
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Juliet said...

WOW..that is really something very modern. By the way..we all need a Christmas picture of your family..there are some great ones taken at your home. Plus the one with Grandma and Santa ia can I get a copy for Grandma? Love AJ

BJ Boehm said...

on flickr, just find the picture, click "all sizes" and click "download larger size" then you can print it for her.

Juliet said...

Thanks...but if I want a real do I do that? I just have a regular printer.
Thanks, AJ

BJ Boehm said...

The best way would be to burn it on a cd and go to fed ex-kinkos or a kodak store, or...sign up for a flickr account and have them make you a print, when you sign up, more options pop up by the photo, one is to order prints and pick them up at target in about an hour, faster than having to go there and wait an hour...I actually just learned about the target thing, and might use it my self..